Thank you for seeing my listing products this time. My listings are emitting things collected by my hobbies. Please purchase only those who can understand every item with old Showa retro products. Please do not hesitate to ask questions but only those who understand and understand it. I hope in a no claim no return. Even if you offer a bid, those with bad evaluation and those who do not have the tender cancellation here, but please understand.
Regardless of weight, regardless of size, it is uniform across the country. As for overseas people we will check shipping fee as soon as we know the destination. Because it is an amateur, please understand although there may be around the amount of money. Since I will also ship overseas all the items that I am sending, please do not hesitate to contact us who live abroad.
Thank you for seeing my listing products this time. My listings are emitting things collected by my hobbies. Please purchase only those who can understand every item with old Showa retro products. Please do not hesitate to ask questions but only those who understand and understand it. I hope in a no claim no return. Even if you offer a bid, those with bad evaluation and those who do not have the tender cancellation here, but please understand.
Regardless of weight, regardless of size, it is uniform across the country. As for overseas people we will check shipping fee as soon as we know the destination.
Because it is an amateur, please understand although there may be around the amount of money. Since I will also ship overseas all the items that I am sending, please do not hesitate to contact us who live abroad.
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